By regularly practicing certain eating habits, you can improve your breathing, gain more energy, maintain your weight, and help fight off infections. Here are seven essential tips for eating well and feeling better with COPD.
If you have diabetes, age-related changes inside your body may affect how you respond to medicine in ways you didn’t expect. With some diabetes medicines, the dose you need might change. With others, you might experience side effects.
Depression is a common, serious illness—and one that’s frequently misunderstood. How much do you really know about depression? Here’s the truth about 4 myths.
Do you consider yourself a night owl? Do you naturally go to bed late and prefer sleeping in? If so, it may be time to pay extra attention to your health.
Last flu season was rough. Nationwide, the CDC estimates there were as many as 640,000 flu-related hospitalizations. And adults ages 65 and older were significantly more likely than the general population to have serious flu-related complications, including pneumonia, heart attack, and stroke.
Many people with chronic kidney disease (CKD) also have other long-term health concerns. Diabetes and high blood pressure are especially common. If you have one (or both) of these conditions, as well as CKD, here’s good news: You can take steps to protect your kidneys and manage your overall health.
Staying active is key to living a healthy life as you age. Preventing or managing osteoporosis can help you keep moving. This common disease can lead to serious injuries that compromise your mobility.
If your back hurts, you might write it off as a normal part of life. After all, a lot of people have back pain from time to time. But if back pain is severe, doesn’t go away with time, or is getting in the way of daily life, you might have a significant medical problem.
Here’s an overview of the type of medicines your provider may prescribe and what can happen when conditions aren’t managed properly.
If you’re one of the more than 25 million Americans affected by asthma, learning to manage and control the condition can help you limit its impact on your life and activities.
Every day, your kidneys have a major job: to filter about 200 quarts of blood to make about 2 quarts of urine. What could go wrong?